A01 (T3.4). MATTHIAS/ANDREA: get in touch with champions and collect IPR and data management requirements.
A07 (T3.4). Matthias to provide links to Accreditation agencies to Carlo (Switzerland, UK, and possibly IT) in some countries.
A08 (T3.4). (ANDREA, GIULIA) to get in touch with T2.2 to get in touch to define the metadata requirements for collection of materials needed for the population of the EOEE
A09 (T3.4). (ANDREA) Clarify ToR of Champions to make sure they will provide information for online material
A10 (Tiziana, on hold, waiting for CRM requirements) Find out more about gCUBE support channels and sustainability from CNR. Action is put on hold. Waiting for requirements collection from WP5
A11 Gergely/UCST to test vTiger and and Sugar CRM
A12 Tiziana to provide training contacts for T4.1 interviews (both supply and demand side). Ruben to provide an invitation template to be circulated by EGI.eu
==> UPDATE: list provided by both WP2 and T4.1, template of e-mail invitation received
(NEW) A13 WP4 task leaders to update the existing activity plan by extending it to M18, for presentation at next week f2f meeting as per request of Manuela. See existing workplan in the agenda
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Actions review
Discussion of T3.4 and WP4 contributions to face to face meeting
- T4.1 Ruben
- T4.4 Sy and Malgorzata. Overview of certification proposal and questions for decisions by other WPs
Boro Jakimovski(UKIM), Malgorzata Krakowian(EGI.eu), Sy Holsinger(EGI.eu)
Review of WP4 progress
- Review internal milestones in the table for PM01-PM06 and comment on status (see text in yellow)
- Add additional milestones and activities for the period PM12-PM18
Work plan
Proposed WP4 agenda for f2f (1h)
- WP4 overview of internal milestones and presentation of PM06-PM18 work plan (10', Tiziana)
- WP4.1 presentation (15', Ruben, please suggest title)
- WP4.4 Proposal of certification scheme structure and discussion (30', Mal)
- Discussion (5')