EGI Security Policy Group meeting



David Kelsey (STFC)

Meeting of the Security Policy Group to discuss final drafts of two policy documents.


To access the Vidyo conference:

Vidyo meeting of EGI Security Policy Group

Friday 4th March 2016 (10:00 to 11:30 CET)

Minutes (taken by the Chair - Dave Kelsey)

Attendees: Linda Cornwall, Enol Fernández, David Groep, Dave Kelsey, Ian Neilson, Hannah Short, Oxana Smirnova, Vincenzo Spinoso.

VM Endorsement and Operations Policy

We discussed all comments received (Peter Solagna, Linda, Hannah, Enol) on version 3.9 and 3.91 and produced a new version addressing these (and other comments made during the meeting). This produced version 3.92 (now attached to this agenda item).

It was agreed that we would discuss this for just a few days on the SPG mail list - for final objections and/or changes and that DaveK would then circulate for wider comment (OMB, NGI and site security contacts, VO reps, EGI FedCloud, CSIRT etc) - aiming to do this on Wednesday 9th March.

Data Protection Policy

IanN took us through his slides explaining this new policy (see agenda) and we looked at the document. There was only limited discussion on the approach and also the document was thought to be in a very good state. It was agreed that this is now ready for wider consultation.

The next step will be to also create an example policy based on this new approach (and using the provided template) for the Accounting and GOCDB services. IanN will look into this with the relevant colleagues in STFC.

Meeting ended at 11:25 CET






There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.