23–24 Oct 2017
EC headquarters
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

KERs: benefits, dissemination and exploitation (PART 3)

23 Oct 2017, 15:40
1h 5m
Room 00/54 (EC headquarters)

Room 00/54

EC headquarters

Avenue de Beaulieu 33, 1160 Brussels (Auderghem)


Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.eu) Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.eu) Yannick Legre (EGI.eu)


Thematic services and Applications on demand / Gergely Sipos (EGI Foundation) [30'] EOSC EGI position and policy papers / Sergio Andreozzi (EGI Foundation) [15'] EGI strategy and governance evolution and procurement / Yannick Legre (EGI Foundation) [20']

Presentation materials