8–12 Jan 2018
Amsterdam Science Park
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

WP6 - Common Services: Integration and Maintenance

10 Jan 2018, 11:00
1h 30m
NIKHEF H331 (Amsterdam Science Park)


Amsterdam Science Park

Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam


Andreas Schott (Rechenzentrum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)


The session will focus on the second set of action items: 1) WP Work Plan. Detailed 12 month work plan specifying distribution of activities by task, 2) Preliminary definition of lead authors for each deliverable, 3) Preliminary definition of milestone owners in PY1, 4) Define WP regular meetings, 5) Define preliminary quality metrics, 6) Define team membership, 7) Identify the Key Exploitation Results (KERs), 8) EOSC-hub/OpenAIRE Advance collaboration - Assessment and impact on the WP work plan. All WP6 task leaders and experts are invited to contribute

Presentation materials