9–11 Oct 2018
Europe/Lisbon timezone

ELIXIR AAI Advanced Features

10 Oct 2018, 11:30
Auditorium JJLaginha (Lisbon)

Auditorium JJLaginha


ISCTE, University of Lisbon


Michal Prochazka (Masaryk University)


ELIXIR AAI has been in production since 2016, and it is continuously extended with new features based on requirements of end users. In the talk, we will present some of the features that have been made available recently to the ELIXIR community. Permission API enables service providers and users to leverage advanced authorization for access to sensitive human data. Another feature is an implementation of the Bona Fide Researcher concept in ELIXIR AAI together with automatically or manually assigned user’s affiliation. Service providers can use those data to do the authorization based on the user affiliation. Allowing access to cloud machines via SSH or VNC has long been an issue when a federated identity is the only authentication option available. ELIXIR AAI provides a user-friendly mechanism based on utilizing of QR codes, which can be used in non-web environments to provide authentication and delegation for computational/cloud/storage services.


ELIXIR AAI has been in production since 2016, and it is continuously extended with new features based on requirements of end users. In the talk, we will present some of the features that have been made available recently to the ELIXIR community.

Type of abstract Presentation

Primary author

Michal Prochazka (Masaryk University)

Presentation materials

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