9–11 Oct 2018
Europe/Lisbon timezone

List of posters

List of posters accepted to the DI4R

The Programme Committee will present an award for the Best Poster at the DI4R closing plenary. The best poster will be chosen by vote, by the DI4R attendants. (Details of the voting will be added here during the conference.)

The posters will be presented during a Zapping Session that will take place on Tuesday 9 October from 17:45 to 18:45.

Vote for the Best Poster (online form) - voting closes Thursday at 14:30


Poster number

Poster Title Presenter
1 Lavoisier : A data aggregation framework Cyril L'Orphelin
2 Research Information Management at ISCTE-IUL: the library’s role Clara Parente Boavida
3 Creating Easy-to-use Research Data Management Workflows - from Data Management Plan to Long-term Archiving Raimund Vogl
4 Water Quality monitoring and forecasting with eXtreme-DataCloud Daniel Garcia
5 CTA use case for XDC solution Frederic Gillardo    
6 Isidore Suzanne Dumouchel    
7 Interoperability with Boutiques and CARMIN Sorina Camarasu Pop    
8 Data Science Professional Education and Training Model: Competence driven curriculum design Yuri Demchenko    
9 Baltic TRAM (Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion) Zane Sime    
10 B2FIND - Searching for Research Data across Disciplines Claudia Martens    
11 Landesinitiative NFDI – central coordination of RDM activities in the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia Nina Winter    
12 Windbench: Building Trust on Wind Energy Design Tools through Open Science Model Evaluation Javier Sanz Rodrigo    
13 Virtualised Routing in Hybrid Distributed Platform Deployments Zdenek Sustr    
14 Federated Cloud Appliances Available in Public Cloud Dušan Baran    
15 The Industrial Ecology Open Science Project Konstantin Stadler        
16 eInfraCentral – The solution for accessing Europe’s e-infrastructure services Jelena Angelis    
17 The EOSC-hub project Gergely Sipos    
18 HNSciCloud - Nuvla for Science Bob Jones    
19 Scipion in the Cloud: User Friendly CryoEM Data Analysis from Anywhere Aleš Křenek    
20 INCEpTION - Corpus-based Data Science from Scratch Richard Eckart de Castilho    
21 The adoption of the HTTP/XRootD protocols for a new data caching architecture in WLCG experiments Antonio Falabella    
22 Boost your innovation with SafeScale – The open source multicloud platform Yasmine Boulfani    
23 The GO FAIR approach: Building a federated environment for scientific data sharing and re-use based on Implementation Networks Ines Drefs    
24 From Europe to India: Building collaboration platforms for disaster recovery and crop simulations Enzo Capone    
25 The CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide: A free online guide for social science researchers Ellen Leenarts    
26 EUDAT CDI - Data shared and preserved across borders and disciplines Johannes Reetz    
27 From local collections to global services. The new service strategy of the British Library Torsten Reimer    
28 Open Science skills in Danish research libraries Mareike Buss and Katrine Flindt Holmstrand    
29 Research Software Directory - putting the F in FAIR software Jason Maassen    
30 Target Field Lab: Mining Big data Rees Williams    
31 RDA Europe Nodes: Empowering national data communities in Europe Daniel Bangert    
32 dCache events driving data management at the European XFEL: Evaluating event-driven cloud computing and storage management Jurgen Starek  
33 ENES Climate Analytics Service Sofiane Bedounka  
35 A facet of implementing a digital workflow culture into a multifaceted research institute Rebecca Reichenbach    
36 Best practices for achieving reproducible science with the SKA: the SKA-Link project. Susana Sánchez Expósito
37 Digital skills and Digital transformation of maritime research and industry Yuri Demchenko
38 Big Datacube Security, Down to Pixel Level Vlad Merticariu    
39 Virtual Research Environment For Marine Research Community Sri Harsha Vathsavayi & Chris Ariyo    
40 Supporting ICOS end users with interactive Jupyter Notebooks and on-demand computation services Alex Vermeulen    
41 Data Management Service at Wageningen University Erik van den Bergh
42 CTA AAI solution based on the AARC Blueprint Eva Sciacca
43 Data Knowledge Visual Analytics Framework for Astrophysics within EOSC Eva Sciacca
44 Messaging, Notifications and near-real time monitoring Services designed for Research Infrastructures / Thematic Services Kostas Koumantaros et al
45 Master in Data Science with an Open Science approach Lara Lloret
46 HPC and 24/7 mission critical workloads together on one platform with vGPU Henk-Jan Zilverberg
47 eduTEAMS - Making managing virtual collaborations easy Christos Kanellopoulos
48 Big Data Biodiversity? The state of biodiversity research as a data-driven science. Stephan Lehmler