Schedule of demos
The demos will be displayed near the catering area according to the following schedule:
Day 1:9 October
- NeIC Dellingr: creating a Nordic Digital Marketplace of HPC, clouds and experts.
- Showcasing AGINFRA+ Virtual Research Environments for Agricultural and Food Sciences
- EOSC-hub Business Pilots
Day 2: 10 October
- Fishing entities: from text to concepts
- ELIXIR Cloud Analysis Platform Demonstration for EOSC
- EOSC-hub Marketplace Tool
Day 3: 11 October
- OpenAIRE Broker Service and the Dashboard for Content Providers: Open Science as-a-Service for repositories
- eduTEAMS in Action
- The EOSC Datacube service
(This is a temptative schedule. If you are a demo presenter and if you have a suggestion for a change in the schedule, please contact the Programme Manager at