19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

User support activites in Germany

22 Sept 2011, 12:04
Rhone 2 (Universe)

Rhone 2



Dr Torsten Antoni (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


This presentation will highlight three activities concerning the user support in Germany which might be of interest for other NGIs. The GridKA school is a summer school on Grid and Cloud Computing with lectures, tutorials and workshops held in Karlsruhe annually since 2003. The GridKA T1 centre has on-site experiment contacts for the LHC experiments, this might serve as a model for other big sites. The xGUS helpdesk template provides an easy way for NGIs or User Communities to get an own GGUS-interfaced helpdesk portal without the need for local installation.

Presentation materials