19โ€“23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Data Management Workshop

19 Sept 2011, 11:00
Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


Identifying, implementing and operating efficient and scalable data management and processing structures is one of the biggest problems one has to face when using a distributed computing infrastructure. These structures require robust software services with flexible integration and customisation facilities for both system administrators and end users.
The middleware software stacks hosted on the European Grid Infrastructure provide several services for the management og data and metadata. The largest user groups of the European Grid Infrastructure have long-running experience of using these services and extending, integrating, customising them for community-specific use cases.

This workshop provides a forum for EGI data service developers and operators, as well as for existing and emerging users of these service to exchange experiences, requirements and best practices concerning data management and processing. The workshop is coordinated by the User Community Support Team (UCST) of EGI.eu, the team that is responsible for the gathering and analysis of user requirements in EGI. By bringing the main stakeholders of data-related services together, UCST aims to facilitate information exchange and capture new requirements that can be fed into the next generation of software services of EGI.

The aim of the workshop is to capture reusable best practices and solutions togehter with data-related requirements that are not yet addressed by any community or technology provider.

If you would like to propose topic for discussion, please email it to ucst@egi.eu.

Presentation materials

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Patrick Fuhrmann
EMI data services - the second year
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
11:00 - 11:15
Jon Kerr Nilsen
EMI_datalib - consolidating ARC and gLite data libraries
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
11:15 - 11:30
Paul Miller
dCache, the evolving storage technology
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
11:30 - 11:45
Ricardo Rocha et al.
DPM/LFC: Standards, Status and Plans
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
11:45 - 12:00
Fabrizio Furano
SYNCAT - Storage Catalogue Consistency
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
12:00 - 12:15
Michail Salichos et al.
File Transfer Service (FTS3): redesign for file transfer optimization and reliability
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
12:15 - 12:30
Mark Santcroos
Data Management - a Grid enablers perspective
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
14:00 - 14:13
Evert Lammerts
LifeWatch NL
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
14:14 - 14:27
Jan Bot
Dutch bioinformatics data management
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
14:27 - 14:40
Jan Raciazek
Earth System Grid (ESG) and EGI interoperability
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
14:40 - 14:53
Mark van den Sanden
Delivering a Collaborative Data Infrastructure - the EUDAT project
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
14:53 - 15:06
Jan Just Keijser
Grid Data Access: Proxy caches and User views
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
15:06 - 15:19
Mr Steve Tuecke
Simplifying Large Scale Data Movement with Globus
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
15:19 - 15:30
Laurence Field
The Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics (CRISP) project
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
16:00 - 16:13
Questions, answers and discussion
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
16:13 - 17:30