30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Pangeo@EOSC: A EOSC service to enable big data geoscience scientific discoveries and collaborations

3 Oct 2024, 12:30
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy

Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy

Demonstrations & Tutorials Demonstrations & Posters


Anne Fouilloux (Simula Research Laboratory) Tina Odaka (IFREMER)


The Pangeo community is eager to demonstrate the Pangeo@EOSC service, derived from a collaboration between Pangeo and the EGI-ACE and C-SCALE projects. Offering Pangeo notebooks as well as Machine Learning (both Pytorch and TensorFlow) and Data Science notebooks (R & Julia), Pangeo@EOSC provides an integrative platform within the EOSC for scientific data analysis. Our demonstration will effectively showcase the functionality, convenience, and far-reaching impact of this service.
Pangeo@EOSC, a powerful, scalable, and open-source platform, enables Big Data analysis across an array of disciplines using vast multi-dimensional data, such as geoscience and environmental science, among others. The platform serves as a bridge between data storage, computation, and the scientist, creating a seamless, integrated working environment that stimulates more efficient research and collaborations.
During our 30-minute demonstration, we will delve into Pangeo@EOSC's functionalities. Starting from data access, we will navigate through data exploration, visualisation, and analysis, and further explore its collaborative features. The demonstration will further illuminate how Pangeo@EOSC facilitates end-to-end reproducibility.
We look forward to engaging with fellow researchers, scientists, and data enthusiasts during the dedicated networking session. This will not only provide valuable insight into practical requirements and evolving expectations in the scientific world, but also offer us a great opportunity to receive feedback on Pangeo@EOSC.
With Pangeo@EOSC, the future of scalable, collaborative, and reproducible scientific research is not just a possibility, but a reality within our reach.

Topic EOSC Developments and Open Science: Reproducible Open Science

Primary authors

Anne Fouilloux (Simula Research Laboratory) Tina Odaka (IFREMER)

Presentation materials

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