30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Advancing Research and Innovation: The Role of the OpenAIRE Infrastructure in European Scholarly Communication

Not scheduled
Carlo V (Hilton Garden Inn)

Carlo V

Hilton Garden Inn


Dr Paolo Manghi (OpenAIRE AMKE)


OpenAIRE is a pan-European non-profit organization that provides e-infrastructures to support scholarly communication. It connects human capital with advanced ICT services and is supported by a consortium of European research institutions. This organization plays a key role in promoting open science by making research more accessible, transparent, and collaborative. OpenAIRE aligns its services with the FAIR principles, which stand for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable, enhancing the discoverability and usability of research outputs.
This presentation will focus on the services OpenAIRE offers, emphasizing its commitment to promoting open science and improving scholarly communication across various fields. It will explain how OpenAIRE helps researchers meet open access requirements and supports the European Commission’s Open Science agenda through targeted policies, tools, and guidelines. A significant part of the discussion will highlight OpenAIRE's collaboration with major European e-infrastructures such as EUDAT and EGI, showcasing how these partnerships contribute to the broader European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The structure of OpenAIRE, including its repository networks and the connections between research artifacts in the OpenAIRE Graph, will also be discussed. The aim is to provide insights into how OpenAIRE supports day-to-day research and plays a role in shaping strategic policies and infrastructure developments crucial for advancing research excellence and innovation in Europe. Finally, the presentation will look ahead to OpenAIRE’s future, focusing on expanding its impact, improving integration of services, and enhancing engagement with researchers across all disciplines to create a more cohesive European research area. This session will invite attendees to explore collaboration opportunities within OpenAIRE’s growing network.

Topic EOSC Developments and Open Science: EOSC

Primary author

Dr Paolo Manghi (OpenAIRE AMKE)


Dr Giulia Malaguarnera (OpenAIRE)

Presentation materials

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