30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Pioneering Integrated Data Access and Analysis Across Research Fields: A Dutch Initiative

1 Oct 2024, 16:45
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy

Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy


Ahmad Hesam (SURF)


This talk introduces a significant Dutch initiative designed to transform the landscape of data access and analysis for all research fields, using the ODISSEI metadata portal as a specific example for the social sciences and humanities (SSH) community. Our integrated workflow begins with the Data Access Broker (DAB), developed by SURF, which standardizes data access requests and data transfers across diverse data providers, addressing the complexities of handling sensitive data with varying access scopes and policies.

Following data acquisition, the workflow advances to the Secure Analysis Environment (SANE), a Trusted Research Environment (TRE) facilitated by SURF. SANE allows researchers to work securely with sensitive data, while the data provider stays in full control of the data and tools within the TRE. Through Federated Identity and Access Management (FIAM) we simplify the collaboration between data providers and researchers. This cloud-based solution simplifies the often intricate process of sensitive data analysis, providing researchers with essential tools and access needed to drive forward their investigations.

In this presentation, we will not only explore the architectural and operational aspects of DAB and SANE but also outline our strategy for expanding these services beyond SSH to encompass all research domains. As a leading Dutch initiative for integrated data systems, our aim is to reveal the potential and current capabilities of this innovative framework, showcasing how the ODISSEI metadata portal serves as a model for other research communities.

Attendees will gain insight into the full workflow, from data discovery through to detailed analysis, and understand how this initiative is shaping a new frontier in research capabilities across the Netherlands.

Topic Trust and Security: Trusted computing:

Primary authors

Ahmad Hesam (SURF) Mr Lucas Van der Meer (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Presentation materials

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