30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

CEDAR - Common European Data Spaces & Robust AI for transparent Public Governance

1 Oct 2024, 15:55
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy

Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy


Mr Francesco Mureddu Osimanti Osimanti (The Lisbon Council)


CEDAR is a brand new Horizon Europe projects whose key goal is to develop methods, tools, and guidelines to digitise, protect, and integrate data to address significant issues like corruption, aligning with the European Strategy for Data and the development of Common European Data Spaces (CEDS), and the European Data Act. This will lead to improved transparency and accountability in public governance, promoting European values and rights in the digital world, and enriching the European data ecosystem and economy.

The Consortium boasts nine top research institutions and universities, twelve technology and business developing companies, seven public sector end users, and three relevant NGOs. By sharing high-quality datasets, developing secure connectors for European data repositories, and employing innovative technologies for efficient big data management and analysis, CEDAR aims to promote better evidence-based decision-making, combat corruption, and reduce fraud in public administration.

In this short talk (10 minutes) we would like to present the key objectives of the project and, most prominently, the three Pilot Studies (co-located in three different EU member states) to effectively co-create and test the projects' outcomes in a relevant setting with the end users, as well as to validate the key CEDAR benefits, which are:

  • Efficient, scalable, and trustworthy data technologies.
  • Vast amounts of interoperable and analytics-ready data. -
  • Collaboration of relevant public and private, local and regional stakeholders.
  • Evidence based recommendations for legislative improvement in the public governance sphere.
Topic Data innovations: Data Spaces

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