30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EUDAT, a Pan-European e-Infrastructure to support data-driven science.

Not scheduled
Carlo V (Hilton Garden Inn)

Carlo V

Hilton Garden Inn


Yann Le Franc (e-Science Data Factory)


As one of the largest pan European e-Infrastructures EUDAT delivers data management support through an integrated suite of services and resources that focus on scientific data management and embrace the FAIR principles. The EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure (or EUDAT CDI), a membership organisation, is a network of European data and computing centres, as well as research organisations, which commit to sustain these services and to offer them to European research organisations and research infrastructures. The presentation will highlight the EUDAT infrastructure and its services and the close collaboration with a wide range of different scientific disciplines and communities involved in the development process of the services. Also, the structure of EUDAT with its members hosting the data management solutions and the continuous services development process as well as the services management framework guaranteeing smooth operations and support are explained. Finally the position of EUDAT among other large e-Infrastructures such as EGI, OpenAire, GÉANT and PRACE, its role in EOSC and the EOSC node development will be discussed.

Topic Topic not listed

Primary authors

Debora Testi (CINECA) Jos. van Wezel (SURFsara) Mark Sanden (SURFsara BV) Rob Carrillo (TRUST-IT Services) Sander Apweiler (JUELICH) Yann Le Franc (e-Science Data Factory)

Presentation materials

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