Empowering Open Science: EGI Community's Impact on EOSC
- Mark Dietrich (
Empowering Open Science: EGI Community's Impact on EOSC
- Roksana Wilk (CYFRONET)
This double session will demonstrate the commitment of the EGI community towards Open Science through a series of presentations and discussions presenting the EGI contribution to the establishment of the European Open Science Cloud.
The content will include an overview of the current status of the EOSC with a focus on the ongoing process of defining the EOSC Federation as a network of EOSC Nodes. The EGI-coordinated EOSC Beyond project, which started in April 2024, has taken on a relevant role in this activity with its set of EOSC Pilot Nodes that will be established during its execution. Presentations of the EOSC Beyond Pilot Nodes are included in the session agenda together with a status update on the establishment of the first node of the EOSC Federation, the EOSC EU Node, that highlights the EGI contribution to the EOSC procurement activities.