Operations Management Board

Tiziana Ferrari (EGI)
Monthly meeting of the NGI Operations Managers Title: Operations Management Board (OMB) Description: OMB meeting - EGI-InSPIRE project Community: Universe Password: omb Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext/koala.jnlp?meeting=MDMaM82a2BDlDM9M9BD99D - Password: omb - Phone Bridge ID: 2198356 Password: 0034 Central European Summer Time (+0200) Start 2010-08-17 10:00 End 2010-08-17 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time (-0400) Start 2010-08-17 04:00 End 2010-08-17 08:00 Pacific Daylight Time (-0700) Start 2010-08-17 01:00 End 2010-08-17 05:00 EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers: --------------- - Switzerland (CERN, Geneva) +41 22 76 71400 - Slovakia (UPJS, Kosice) +421 55 234 2420 - Italy (INFN, several cities) http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers Enter '4000' to access the EVO bridge - Germany (DESY, Hamburg) +49 40 8998 1340 - United Kingdom (University of Manchester) +44 161 306 6802 - Netherlands (Nikhef, Amsterdam) +31 20 7165293 Dial '2' at the prompt - Czech Republic (CESNET, Prague) +420 95 007 2386 - France (RAP, Paris) +33 144 27 81 50
Minutes (odt)
Minutes (pdf)
    • 10:30 10:50
      Introduction 20m
      - Review of actions: https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Search/Results.html?Query=Queue%20%3D%20%27noc-managers%27%20AND%20%28Status%20%3D%20%27new%27%20OR%20Status%20%3D%20%27open%27%20OR%20Status%20%3D%20%27stalled%27%29 - Final approval of two draft procedures: 1. NGI creation and validation: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Operations:NewNGIs_creation 2. Followup of availability/reliability statistics: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Availability_and_reliability_monthly_statistics#Description_of_the_process - Milestones status: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/SA1_Milestones
    • 10:50 11:05
      From RAG to EGI: VO validation 15m
      Speaker: Gergely Sipos (EGI.eu)
    • 11:05 11:25
      (TSA1.4) Transition to GOCDB4: status and future steps 20m
      Speaker: Mr Gilles Mathieu (RAL-STFC)
      more information
    • 11:25 11:45
      (TSA1.5) APEL client transition to ActiveMQ, and accounting workshop: questionnaire 20m
      France and Serbia have started the official process. This is tracked through the following tickets: - https://gus.fzk.de/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=60863 - https://gus.fzk.de/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=60814 - UK will deploy the service but has not started creating a ticket for reporting, Ireland also interested in migrating. - Some Spanish sites will get involved as well. - NGI_DE: negotiations ongoing.
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (INFN)
    • 11:45 12:05
      (TSA1.8) Open issues of the availability followup procedure. OLA Questionnaire 20m
      Speakers: Christos Kanellopoulos (AUTH), Dimitris Zilaskos (Technical staff)
    • 12:05 12:25
      AOB 20m
      - upcoming: survey of "Deployment plan for the distribution of operational tools to the NGIs/EIROs" (this survey is important to collect information for MS406). The questionnaire will be distributed soon. - suggestions for the "EGI Production Infrastructure" session (Tue Sep 14, 14:00) - https://www.egi.eu/indico/conferenceTimeTable.py?confId=48&showDate=all& - 1st quarterly report: still a few missing reports from NGIs. Please NGIs who didn't submit it yet, provide your report