Nuria de Lama
The European Commission has finally recognized the value of data as the new “oil” of the economy and has started to take steps towards a EU data-driven economy.
One of these steps was the signature of the Big Data Value Public-Private-Partnership in October 2014. The private counterpart of this initiative is the Big Data Value Association. The joint investment will be of € 1 068 million in collaborative research and innovation within Horizon 2020 Programme and will be implemented from 2015 till 2020.
The objective of the Big Data Value PPP is to explore and seize the new technology-driven opportunities that come with Big Data, enabling social and economic progress. Technology topics being addressed include data Integration, real-time data processing; advanced analytics, data protection and privacy technologies. Main elements of the programme will include lighthouse projects and Innovation Spaces/Hubs:
- Innovation Spaces/Hubs: Infrastructures that allow research on Big Data Value technologies to be quickly tested, piloted and exploited, to develop skills, share best practices, develop new business models and evaluate social impact.
- Lighthouse projects: Projects to demonstrate specific Big Data Value ecosystems and sustainable data marketplaces that lead to increased competitiveness of established sectors as well as to the creation of new sectors.
In this session attendees will get insights on the content of the programme from a technical point of view as well as the instruments that will be used for its implementation, including examples of existing Innovation ecosystems. Collaboration opportunities with the EGI community will also be pointed out.
You can check further information and prepare for the session in http://www.bdva.eu/.