Operations Management Board

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Peter Solagna EGI Fondation

Alessandro Paolini EGI Fondation

Vincenzo Spinoso (INFN/EGI Fondation)

Adrian Coveney )APEL team)

Dave Kelsey (EGI Security)

Dagos Ciobanu-Zabet (NGI_RO)

Ionut Vasile (NGI_RO)

Jan Astalos (NGI_SK)

Jeremy Coles (NGI_UK)

Peter Gronbech (UK)

Sven Gabriel



Peter Solagna presented some short operations topics.

"ops" VO membership restrictions. Since monitoring is centralized EGI Operations propose to limit ops vo membership to the ARGO team and the CSIRT security team.

Before reorganizing the ops VO, NGI staff will be notified with a broadcast and asked to try to use dteam or other VOs to troubleshoot their sites, to understand if ops VO is necessary. After this trial period OMB will re-assess if NGI ops membership can be removed.

Globus toolkit EOL

Vincenzo Spinoso gave a presentation about the recent notification about the end of support for the Globus toolkit. https://www.globus.org/blog/support-open-source-globus-toolkit-ends-january-2018

EGI Operations are currently discussing with the globus stakeholders: WLCG, EUDAT, OSG about a common strategy to mitigate the impact of this end of support.

ARGO Updates

Emir Imamagic reported on the recent updates on ARGO monitoring.

Some probes have been deployed in the prouction ARGO in June (AAI CheckIN, NGI Argus, WebDav, fix to ARC-CE ones), and another ARGO release is expected for next week (OCCI Castegories and AppDB Sync probes). The new probes are not affecting A/R nor the alarm dashboard.

The biomed VO ARGO service is about to be deployed in July.

EGI Operations proposed to update the procedure of deploying new probes in ARGO,  which can be made simpler and faster. An update procedure will be circulated to the OMB for approval.

Storage accounting deployment plan proposal

Adrian Coveney presented the plan for a full-scale deployment of storage accounting. Some actions need to be completed (full validating of the data and other developments in the portal). In September a full scale deployment will start with a broadcast and then, if needed follow up with tickets.

CSIRT F2F Report

Sven Gabriel and Vincent Brillault reported about the following security topics:

  • EGI CSIRT F2F meeting
  • Vulnerabilities and recent fedcloud incidents
  • Fedcloud security challenges

Please, see slides for further information.

NGIs Operations plans survey

Peter Solagna presented a summary of a survey under preparation to assess the status of EGI Operations and identify the topics to develop during the following months.

Survey will be circulated soon and the idea is to close it by mid July


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Speaker: Peter Solagna (EGI.eu)
    • 2
      Globus toolkit EOL
      Speakers: Alessandro Paolini (EGI.eu), Vincenzo Spinoso (INFN)
    • 3
      ARGO updates
      Speaker: Mr Emir Imamagic (SRCE)
    • 4
      Storage accounting deployment plan proposal
      Speaker: Adrian Coveney (STFC)
    • 5
      CSIRT F2F report
      Speaker: Dr Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF)
    • 6
      NGIs Operations plans survey
      Speaker: Peter Solagna (EGI.eu)
    • 7