8–12 Jan 2018
Amsterdam Science Park
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


EOSC-hub / eInfraCentral Collaboration (closed)

12 Jan 2018, 09:00
Conference Centre (Amsterdam Science Park)

Conference Centre

Amsterdam Science Park

Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam


EOSC-hub / eInfraCentral Collaboration (closed)

  • Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.eu)
  • Per Oster (CSC)

EOSC-hub / eInfraCentral Collaboration (closed)

  • Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.eu)
  • Per Oster (CSC)


Meeting aiming at establishing a project collaboration on service catalogue publishing

* Introduction to the EOSC-hub project 15' (TF)
* Introduction to the eInfraCentral project 15'(eIC)

  • Presentation of EOSC-hub marketplace 30' (RD)
    Technical features, business processes supported, long-term plans including sustainability + Demo

  • Presentation of eInfraCentral register and development plans' 30'
    Technical features, business processes supported, long-term plans + Demo including sustainability (eIC)


  • Discussion of collaboration 80'
  • Future steps and actions 10'

EOSC-hub recommended participation:

WP2/WP4/WP5 managers,
WP2.2 Service Roadmap,
WP4.2 Order mgm,
WP5.2 Marketplace,
WP10.2 Service catalogue roadmap
AMB coordinators
Project Director and Project Coordinator
PMB members

Presentation materials

Building timetable...