9–11 Oct 2018
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Persistent Identifiers in use: Exchanging ideas about new developments in the field of PID services

9 Oct 2018, 11:30
Auditorium B104 (Lisbon)

Auditorium B104


ISCTE, University of Lisbon
World Cafe Session Persistent Identifiers in use


Eliane Fankhauser (DANS-KNAW) Ferguson Christine (EMBL-EBI)


Persistent identifiers (PIDs) like DOIs for articles or ORCiDs for researchers are a core component of open science as they improve discovery, navigation, retrieval, and access of research resources. FREYA, a 3-year EU-funded project, aims to extend the PID infrastructure by cross-linking PID services, facilitating the development of new PID types, and creating community of practice. The engagement with the stakeholders and the wider PID community is an important means with which to exchange knowledge and get feedback about the development of new PID types and services. Currently, FREYA is establishing the PID Forum consisting of a user community whose members collectively oversee the development and deployment of new services. Anyone with an interested in PIDs is invited to join this session, exchanging ideas and contributing to the discussions. At this World Café Session, the PID Forum will be introduced; some of the work that has been done in the first few months of this project will be presented and discussed with the audience in a workshop. The workshop will focus on two current FREYA activities: (i) mapping the identifier landscape and (ii) understanding how stakeholders operate within the landscape. Both of these activities we would like to discuss with and get feedback about from the user community. FREYA has recently surveyed the current identifier landscape and would like to share key findings with the user community. Moreover, FREYA would like feedback from the community on user stories that have already collected. Questions like “Is there broader value to be gained from addressing the user story?” or “What is needed to deliver the value identified in the user story?” will be addressed. Finally, FREYA is eager to connect with any stakeholders in the user community to learn about their user stories and identify gaps where research resources could be better connected and services extended or built.


The infrastructure for persistent identifiers (PIDs) is a core component of open science. The three-year FREYA project aims to extend this infrastructure by facilitating the development of new PID types and creating a community of practice. In this World Café Session FREYA will introduce the PID Forum, a space for and with the user community which collectively oversees the development and deployment of PID services. Two topics, the current identifier landscape and user stories, will be presented and discussed with participants of the session. FREYA invites anyone interested in PIDs to exchange ideas and to contribute to the discussions.

Type of abstract World Cafe Session

Primary authors

Eliane Fankhauser (DANS-KNAW) Ferguson Christine (EMBL-EBI) Rene Horik, van (DANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services) Ms Ricarda Braukmann (Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS))

Presentation materials

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