9–11 Oct 2018
Europe/Lisbon timezone

The Scientific Scavenger Hunt: Improve your discovery skills

9 Oct 2018, 11:30
1h 30m
Auditorium B203 (Lisbon)

Auditorium B203


ISCTE, University of Lisbon


Maxi Schramm (Open Knowledge Maps) Peter Kraker (Open Knowledge Maps)


The open science revolution has dramatically increased the accessibility of scientific knowledge. But what about discoverability? Discovery is in many ways the departure point of research; whether you are starting out in your PhD, initiating a research project or venturing into a different discipline: in many cases, you want to get an overview of an unknown field of research and the most relevant projects therein. The quality of this overview often decides whether research gets reused or duplicated, whether collaborations are formed or such opportunities are missed. However, with 2.5 million papers published every year, and thousands of research projects launched every day, discovery becomes increasingly difficult. Traditional approaches involving search engines providing long, unstructured lists of scientific outputs are not sufficient. We can also see this reflected in the numbers: the vast majority of datasets are not reused, and even in application-oriented disciplines such as medicine, only a minority of results ever gets transferred to practice. But not to worry, open science is here to help: new and innovative tools for exploring scientific knowledge are bridging the gap between accessibility and discoverability. In this workshop, you will learn to improve your discovery skills with two open science tools enabling visual discovery: Open Knowledge Maps (https://openknowledgemaps.org/search), which provides knowledge maps of research topics in any discipline, and VIPER (https://openknowledgemaps.org/viper), which builds on the EOSC via OpenAIRE to enable visual discovery of research projects. You will learn how to get an overview of a scientific field, to identify relevant concepts and to separate relevant from irrelevant content with respect to your information need. This training will be given in the form of an innovative, hands-on format: the Scientific Scavenger Hunt. The Scientific Scavenger Hunt is a fun and fast-paced mix between a pub quiz and a virtual scavenger hunt. In groups, participants try and complete tasks on knowledge maps within a given time limit. They follow hints on knowledge maps that lead you to the correct answer. On the way, they learn what makes a guerilla archivist and why the city of Athens is almost synonymous with insomnia in some communities. And they may even win a prize in the end! We have already conducted this workshop around the world. More than a 1000 participants have participated in this fun, hands-on activity at events such as the Open Science Fair and OpenCon, and we would love to bring it to DI4R. *More information on Open Knowledge Maps: Open Knowledge Maps is based on the principles of open science: we share our source code, content and data under an open license. As a community-driven initiative, we are developing our services together with our advisors, collaboration partners and users. Currently, more than 30,000 users from all around the world leverage our openly accessible discovery tool for their research, writing and studies per month. For more information, please visit https://openknowledgemaps.org*


Discovery is in many ways the departure point of research. However, with millions of papers published every year, and thousands of research projects launched every day, discovery becomes increasingly difficult.

In this workshop, you will learn how to improve your discovery skills with two open science tools enabling visual discovery: Open Knowledge Maps and VIPER, the Visual Project Explorer, developed on top of the EOSC via OpenAIRE.

The training will be given in the form of an innovative, hands-on format: the Scientific Scavenger Hunt, a fun and fast-paced mix between a pub quiz and a virtual scavenger hunt.

Type of abstract Training Session

Primary authors

Maxi Schramm (Open Knowledge Maps) Peter Kraker (Open Knowledge Maps)

Presentation materials

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