9–11 Oct 2018
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Policies in the EOSC Through the Lens of Research Infrastructures: The EOSCpilot Policy Recommendations

9 Oct 2018, 14:25
1h 20m
Auditorium B104 (Lisbon)

Auditorium B104


ISCTE, University of Lisbon


Alex Vermeulen (ICOS ERIC) Bob Jones (CERN) Dale Robertson (Jisc) Iryna Kuchma (EIFL) Natalia Manola (University of Athens, Greece)Dr Pascal Kahlem (ELIXIR)


Background: The EOSCpilot project supports the first phase in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) governance. Its objectives include establishing the policy environment required for the effective operation, access and use of the EOSC to foster research and Open Science. Building on a high-level landscape review of European policies of relevance to the EOSC, the EOSCpilot project has developed draft policy recommendations aimed primarily at funders/ministries, research infrastructures and research producing organisations. The policies have been formulated using information from a range of sources, including the EOSCpilot Science Demonstrator pilots, and cover the areas of Open Science and Open Scholarship, Data Protection, Procurement and Ethics. These draft recommendations will be the subject of consultation with stakeholders from July onwards in order to validate them and produce a final set of policy recommendations by the end of 2018. This session will: present an overview of the proposed policy recommendations, focusing on those of most relevance to RIs, and including feedback already received provide an opportunity for RIs to discuss the draft policy recommendations, including their suitability for supporting the implementation of the EOSC and considerations relating to their implementation by research infrastructures and other stakeholders, examining also aspects such as timescales, costs and collaboration requirements focus on key issues and barriers to implementing the EOSC and gather further suggestions for policy actions which would help deliver the EOSC. Who is it for: This session will target digital data infrastructures, i.e. research infrastructures and e-Infrastructures, who envisage being involved in the EOSC and need to align with the emerging EOSC developments. Why is it important: The policy environment will support and complement the EOSC Rules of Participation and implicate the EOSC governance activities and developments. Policy formation for EOSC is key to establishing the EOSC and achieving its aims. The adaptation and adoption of appropriate policies by key stakeholders is of key importance and a very timely activity with the EOSC November 2018 launch around the corner. Objective: The session is an important step in the process of validating the draft policy recommendations to produce a set of final policy recommendations for the EOSC covering Open Science, Data Protection, Procurement and Ethics. It aims to build on prior consultation input, discuss the most important issues for research infrastructures with respect to the EOSC and agree those policy actions which would most appropriately address them. Format: This will be an interactive session involving a small panel including representatives of the EOSCpilot, research infrastructures and e-Infrastructures. It will be facilitated to encourage contributions from the audience to a shared collaborative document capturing their views and suggestions for the “EOSC of the future”, helping to support a constructive and focussed discussion of the desired environment and the steps needed to achieve it.


This interactive session provides an opportunity for research infrastructures to discuss and provide input to policy recommendations being formulated within the EOSCpilot project. Policies are key to successfully establishing the EOSC and input from stakeholder groups is important to ensure policy proposals are fit-for-purpose and have the support of the community.

Type of abstract World Cafe Session

Primary author

Dale Robertson (Jisc)

Presentation materials