9–11 Oct 2018
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Shaping the EOSC service roadmap: what users need

10 Oct 2018, 11:30
1h 30m
Auditorium B203 (Lisbon)

Auditorium B203


ISCTE, University of Lisbon


Jelena Angelis (European Future Innovation System (EFIS) Centre) Nuno Ferreira (SURFsara BV) Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.eu)


The EOSC is an ambitious initiative aiming at the federation of existing and planned digital infrastructures for research. It seeks to remove barriers among disciplines and countries and make it easier for researchers to share and access the digital resources they need. It will mobilise service providers from both public and private sectors, funders, research communities and other relevant stakeholders. In order to be successful, it needs to meet current and emerging needs of researchers and to rely on sound business models that stimulate service providers to join the ecosystem, users to utilise the services, and funders to support them. In this area, the EOSCpilot project explores possible services to be part of the EOSC service catalogue by collaborating with a number of science demonstrators that explore, use and evaluate services and service concepts that are already available at resource providers. The experiences of the demonstrators are coupled back to the project. The EOSC-hub project started in January 2018 has launched an initial catalogue of services pre-selected via an open call mechanism and publicly accessible to researchers. Looking forward to the evolution of the EOSC, it is essential to understand and prioritise what services are most needed and that should be added to the future EOSC service portfolio and importantly, what criteria are to be used for uptake in the service portfolio. The goal of this session is to take advantage of the collective knowledge of the audience to extract high-level needs for services and identify priorities for the coming years to develop a service roadmap. The approach is to use the world cafe style where, after setting the context, small discussion groups are created (e.g. homogeneous by stakeholder category) and are asked to answer specific questions (see more about world cafe session format: http://www.theworldcafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Cafe-To-Go-Revised.pdf). At the end of the discussion phase, outputs per group will be collected and summarised and will be used later on as inputs to the service roadmapping activities of the EOSCpilot and EOSC-hub projects. This session is a natural follow-up of the session “EOSC Service Architecture: how the services could support the user communities” which presents the state of art.

Primary authors

Jelena Angelis (European Future Innovation System (EFIS) Centre) Nuno Ferreira (SURFsara BV) Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.eu)

Presentation materials

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