9–11 Oct 2018
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Repackaging OpenAIRE Services

9 Oct 2018, 14:15
Auditorium JJLaginha (Lisbon)

Auditorium JJLaginha


ISCTE, University of Lisbon
Presentation Area 5. Digital Infrastructures for EOSC and/or EDI Open Science


Pedro Principe (University of Minho)


In the new phase of OpenAIRE, among the project’s goals, there is the one to repackage OpenAIRE services providing them as complete products to the final users. In fact, OpenAIRE is working to bundle the current services into products to address specific stakeholders’ needs and Product Management processes. Each product has an assigned product manager that foresees the development and implementation of the product and also communicates the vision and the functionalities to the stakeholders. The products will have the form of dashboards, allowing different stakeholders to benefit from tailor-made solutions addressing specific needs. These dashboards are: - Data Provider Manager Dashboard. Already piloted in OpenAIRE2020, it gathers all functionalities that data providers (repository managers, OA journals, CRIS’s, aggregators) use to interact with OpenAIRE: registration and validation, aggregation process and status, registration and visualization of usage statistics and other metrics, interaction with the OpenAIRE Broker (subscription and notification of metadata enrichment). - Research community Dashboard. Being developed in the framework of the OpenAIRE-Connect project, this Dashboard includes functionalities used by research communities to configure and deploy on-demand services: restrict the search, browse, and navigation related outputs, authoritatively tune-up backend text-mining algorithms, reliably monitor and report the research impact of their scientific production, authoritatively provide links between artefacts. In addition to the two dashboards mentioned above, three additional monitoring dashboards will be available to enable the aggregation of results based on the type of stakeholder and the compliance checking. - Funder Dashboard: it allows to monitor research results by aggregated and summarised statistics, to drill down queries by specific facets (timelines, subjects, countries), compliance to OA mandates (with a breakdown for gold/green), correlations to other funding streams, and research trends. - Project Dashboard: all project research results are gathered in one place displaying the compliance with open access mandates, timelines, related data providers, and correlations with other projects. - Institutional Dashboard: it monitors all institution’s related research outcomes, the compliance with funder’s mandate on OA and much more. The dashboards described above are also part of the OpenAIRE service catalogue deployed in collaboration with the eInfraCentral and EOSCpilot projects.


The presentation will aim to showcase the recent repackaging of OpenAIRE services carried out in the framework of the OpenAIRE Advance project. This activity is bundling the current services into products to address specific stakeholders’ needs and Product Management processes; the products will have the form of dashboards, allowing different stakeholders to benefit from tailor-made solutions addressing specific needs.

Type of abstract Presentation

Primary authors

Ilaria Fava (Göttingen State and University Library) Pedro Principe (University of Minho)

Presentation materials