This session puts forward an interactive world-cafe style workshop which will build on previous joint workshops and meetings (during the Open Science Fair and DI4R in 2017, and as a webinar in 2018) to bring together national representatives of identified infrastructures, including OpenAIRE, EOSC-hub, GEANT, PRACE and RDA Europe. Project representatives and national coordinators will discuss how to work together and align on a range of activities, from engaging communities, support activities, outreach, FAIR data, training, open science, and policy. After a series of short introductions by the infrastructures, there will be a chance for updates on the collaboration and a few lightning talks by national representatives to present existing collaborations among their national nodes, highlighting good practices for others. The audience then will have the chance to discuss the status of collaborations inside national nodes; national activities and future possibilities for collaboration, integration, harmonisation; experiences in managing networks and engaging with research communities; gaps in the support of Open Science, and suggest ways of filling these by national or by international initiatives, particularly ones supported by the organiser OpenAIRE-Advance, EOSC-hub, GEANT, PRACE and RDA Europe.