Towards an AAI service for research communities
- Nicolas Liampotis (GRNET)
Michal Prochazka
(Masaryk University)
10/10/2018, 11:30
ELIXIR AAI has been in production since 2016, and it is continuously extended with new features based on requirements of end users. In the talk, we will present some of the features that have been made available recently to the ELIXIR community. Permission API enables service providers and users to leverage advanced authorization for access to sensitive human data. Another feature is an...
Applications of the AARC Blueprint Architecture - Migration to a IdP-SP-proxy in the DARIAH AAI
David Hübner
(DAASI International GmbH)
10/10/2018, 11:45
The DARIAH Research Infrastructure (RI) provides, among other things, digital services for researchers in arts and humanities. It offers an authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI), the DARIAH AAI, to enable researchers to login into these services with their own campus account, providing a Single Sign-On experience. The DARIAH AAI supplies additional information, such as group...
Chris Atherton
Christos Kanellopoulos
Nicolas Liampotis
10/10/2018, 12:00
World Cafe Session
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will provide an Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) through which communities can gain seamless access to services and resources across disciplinary, social and geographical borders. To this end, the EOSC-hub and the GÉANT (GN4-2) project AAIs build on existing AAI services and provide a consistent, interoperable system with which...