6–8 May 2019
WCW Congress Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

IBERGRID strategy in EOSC: expanding capacity, services and user base

7 May 2019, 14:24
Turing (WCW Congress Centre)


WCW Congress Centre

Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam


Dr Isabel Campos (CSIC) Joao Pina (LIP)


IBERGRID was born out of the Iberian Common Plan for distributed infrastructures released in 2007, but the origins can be traced back to the Portuguese and Spanish participation in joint projects since 2002. Since then, IBERGRID has been federating infrastructures from Iberian research & academic organisations mainly focused on grid, cloud computing and data processing. The IBERGRID infrastructure comprises 12 computing and data centers in Spain and Portugal. A number of replicated services guarantees integrity and resilience. The infrastructure has provided about 1 Billion processing hours since 2006 to support the HEP experiments and several user communities. This includes 22 million hours on biomedical applications and ~6 million hours on computational chemistry. In the framework of EOSC National integration, IBERGRID is coordinating the project EOSC-synergy, which will serve as an envelope to foster the integration of different types of resources and services in the Iberian peninsula, such as data repositories and thematic services in EOSC. In this presentation we aim at presenting the Iberian strategy in EOSC, and the cooperation framework we envision with other regional initiatives.
Type of abstract Presentation

Primary authors

Dr Isabel Campos (CSIC) Jorge Gomes (LIP)

Presentation materials