May 6 – 8, 2019
WCW Congress Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Workshop: Design your e-Infrastructure

On May 9, after the EGI Conference, the EGI User Community Support Team will organise a one day 'Design your e-infrastructure' workshop for research communities and research infrastructures who wish to become active users of EGI services. During the workshop attendees can learn about the EGI services and, with the help of technology experts from EGI, can identify which of these services and in which configuration and arrangement should be applied to their own communities' use cases.

The workshop will bring together research communities with EGI service and technology providers. The communities will present their use cases and requirements and these will be then analysed in small break-out groups composed of both community representatives and experts of relevant services and technologies from EGI. The analysis will result e-infrastructure design and implementation plans that can be implemented after the workshop to satisfy the presented community use cases.

The workshop is free, and it is open for research infrastructures and research communities who would like to use, setup, access or operate e-infrastructure services. The number of places for this workshop is limited and registration is required.

More details on the programme and registration for the workshop.

Would you like to participate with a use case?

If you have a use case to contribute to the workshop:

  • Send an email to, describing your use case and your motivation to participate in the workshop
  • Deadline for use case submissions: 15 March 2019

Successful applicants will be contacted by Gergely Sipos and Yin Chen to discuss preparation of the workshop in advance.