Geneviève Romier
France Grilles Scientific Interest Group was created and labeled Research Infrastructure in 2010. France Grilles (http://www.france-grilles.fr) is represented as the French NGI by CNRS that is a founding member of the EGI consortium. France Grilles partners are the main French research institutes and the universities.
« France Grilles aims at building and operating a multidisciplinary national Distributed Computing Infrastructure open to all sciences and to developing countries. » is the French NGI vision.
France Grilles set up in 2011 a multidisciplinary “national VO” for the research needs of users that don’t fall into the scope of a more relevant VO. It is open to users from all disciplines, provided they work in France in the academic research or in partnership with a France Grilles member. This VO is accepted by almost all French sites. Primarily dedicated to the long tail of science, it gives access to shared services such as FG-DIRAC, FG-iRODS and FG-Cloud, the French cloud federation. The first part of the presentation will focus on this context, main services, evolutions, usages and how newcomers and user communities have been involved in the infrastructure and services. The objectives of our current and future work on VIP scientific gateway (https://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/vip/) will be shortly presented.
France Grilles team has built during these 9 years a long experience of engaging with user communities, from large communities to the long tail of science. Dissemination, training and organisation of user community events are an important part of its work. The second part of this presentation will give an overview of the actions conducted by the team, their assessment and the relationships we build with other stakeholders such as HPC centres, business networks and projects.
Type of abstract | Presentation |
Primary authors
Geneviève Romier
Gilles Mathieu
Jerome Pansanel
Sorina POP