6–8 May 2019
WCW Congress Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


National Initiatives and engagement - International Liaisons' meeting

7 May 2019, 15:30
WCW Congress Centre

WCW Congress Centre

Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam


National Initiatives and engagement - International Liaisons' meeting

  • Geneviève Romier (CNRS)
  • Gergely Sipos (EGI.eu)


This session is a working meeting of the NGI International Liaisons, but it is open for conference attendees as well. During the session EGI User Community Support Team and the NGI Liaisons will share and discuss recent updates and experiences in the topic of engaging with and supporting new communities.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu)
07/05/2019, 15:30
Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.eu)
07/05/2019, 15:45
Dr Yin Chen (EGI.eu)
07/05/2019, 16:00
Dr Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI.eu)
07/05/2019, 16:15
David Kelsey (STFC)
07/05/2019, 16:30
Building timetable...