Claudio Vuerli
Horst Schwichtenberg
Jamie Shiers
Johan Montagnat
Laura Perini
This session address sustainability in the context of the so-called Heavy User Communities (HUCs) of EGI-InSPIRE that are supported by SA3.
For each of the communities involved, a senior user will briefly present their vision of the issues, after which we will hold a panel discussion.
The main themes to be addressed include:
- Sustainability of the discipline
- Sustainability of the associated grid / DCI community
- Sustainability of support for the specific tools and services currently provided / assisted by SA3
- High Energy Physics (HEP)
- Life Sciences (LS)
- Earth Sciences (ES)
- Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A)
- Others - supported by the Shared Tools and Services task
Primary author
Jamie Shiers