2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EGI Check-in for TRIPLE and its innovative services

4 Nov 2020, 15:30
Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom3

Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom3

Full presentation: long (25 mins.) Authentication-Authorisation solutions - Part 2


Luca De Santis (Net7) Yoann Moranville (DARIAH) Valeria Ardizzone (EGI.eu) Yin Chen (EGI.eu)


The TRIPLE (Targeting Researchers through Innovative Practices and Linked Exploration) project aims at designing and developing the European discovery platform dedicated to Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) resources, providing SSH researchers a single point of access for easily finding data, publications, profiles and projects, in at least 9 languages. This EC-funded project started in October 2019, will last for 42 months and counts 19 partners from 13 countries. TRIPLE will become a core service of OPERAS, a European Research Infrastructure for open scholarly communication in the SSH.
TRIPLE is designed to be an open infrastructure that can be integrated with new or existing services, both of the EOSC or implemented by research centres and private companies, that can enhance the user experience and provide meaningful functionalities. In addition to the TRIPLE Core platform, a set of innovative tools (visualisation, annotation, trust building system, crowdfunding, social network and recommender system) are being deployed.
In this presentation, we will introduce the overall integration strategy of OPERAS to use EGI Check-in, discussing challenging issues identified during TRIPLE implementation.
Among TRIPLE innovative services, the Trust Building System (TBS) and the Pundit Annotation Tool are existing external tools which need to be integrated to the TRIPLE Core and align with a single sign-on provided by Check-in. The TBS, developed by MEOH, is a social platform fostering federated communities and transdisciplinary cooperation between a variety of stakeholders such as scientists, policy makers, public services, business networks, and civil society. Powered with Semantic Web technologies, Pundit (developed by Net7) is a tool for web annotation that easily allows to highlight, comment and create semantic annotations on text fragments of any web page. TBS and Pundit are expanding their authentication and registration features to include Check-in. This has significantly increased the possibility of adoption of these tools: on the one hand researchers all over Europe (and beyond) might be easily onboarded by simply using their organisation credentials; at the same time casual users could use social Ids, e.g., Google and Facebook that are enabled by Check-in.
In performing this integration, issues have been identified -- when a new user registers to TBS and Pundit, s/he also needs to register as an EGI member. This is because Check-In is designed for higher AAI needs and has to satisfy the EGI e-Infrastructure service access policy. However, both TBS and Pundit want to be as open (public access) as possible. There is a need to make the registration process of new users as simple and immediate as possible, while maintaining compliance with the authentication and identification standards. In order to address this specific requirement from TRIPLE, the new development version (available in production in September 2020) of EGI Check-in integrates a much simpler registration process for users, that can largely help those public access platforms, similar to TRIPLE, who want to ease the user onboarding process (in particular for non-academic users). This will allow TRIPLE users to be very quickly active on the services.

Primary authors

Luca De Santis (Net7) Yoann Moranville (DARIAH) Van Weyenbergh Gael (MEOH) Valeria Ardizzone (EGI.eu) Yin Chen (EGI.eu) Suzanne Dumouchel (Huma-Num) Emilie Blotiere (Huma-Num) Maxime Bouillard (MOEH) Michael Köberlein (Nuromedia) Laurent Capelli (Huma-Num) Stefanie Pohle (Max Weber Stiftung) Massimiliano Pardini (Net7) Giulio Andreini (Net7)

Presentation materials