Nov 2 – 5, 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Please don't forget to read the submission instructions before uploading your abstract. Deadline for all calls are on 11 September 23:59 CEST

Call for presentations

**Duration: 25 minutes (long), 15 minutes (short)

Present your idea, research topic, or findings during the dedicated sessions. Please submit an abstract of 500 words indicating the work that has been done, what still has to be done, and expected results.

Over the course of three days, full presentations will take place during the dedicated 90 minute sessions.

Submissions must include:

  • Presentation title
  • Presenter’s name and affiliation
  • Authors names and affiliations (if different from the presenter)
  • Presentation description
  • Indicate length of presentation

Call for demonstrations

Some things are best demonstrated, especially when it comes to technical services. During the breaks, we offer a 30 minutes slot for you to show these services, outputs, or any other activity that is relevant to the conference's theme.

Submissions must include:

  • Demonstration title
  • Presenter’s name and affiliation
  • Abstract (max. 500 words)

Call for sessions

Duration: 75 minutes

Do you have a session, meeting, training or workshop in mind that perfectly falls in line with this year’s theme “Federated identities for connected communities”? We offer blocks of 90 minutes which you can use to brainstorm about your innovative ideas, demonstrate a new service through a hands-on training or workshop or present your latest findings.

Submissions must include:

  • Session title
  • Speaker names and affiliations
  • Session description (max. 500 words)
  • Number of participants expected

Call for new services

Duration: 75 minutes

Looking for an effective platform of sharing a new service prototype with the community? Share your innovative tool during the new services design workshop, where a collaborative effort will be made to shape up the construction of the service into an even more solid foundation. The workshop is inviting technology/service providers to propose their technologies/services for inclusion in the workshop. Selected technologies/services will be featured during the event (presented and analysed).

Submit your max. 500 words abstract, including:

  • Name of main contact
  • Description of the proposed service/technology
  • Current use
  • Benefits for international users
  • Motivation to apply
  • Any other relevant detail

For more details, please check the information published in the workshop agenda.

Call for use cases

During the ‘Design your e-infrastructure’ workshop, attendees can learn about the EGI services and, with the help of technology experts from EGI, can identify which of these services and in which configuration and arrangement should be applied to their own communities' use cases. Would you like to participate with a use case? Submit your abstract now!

Submit your max. 500 words abstract, including:

  • Name of main contact
  • Scientific goals and objectives
  • E-infrastructure needs (requested types/domains of services)
  • Details of the applications and data sets that the
    e-infrastructure should support
  • Motivation to apply
  • Any other relevant detail

For more details, please check the information published in the workshop agenda.

Call for lightning talks

Duration: 5 minutes

Short and to the point! Tell us your success story in less than 5 minutes. The idea is to avoid fully loaded presentation slides, and replace them with easy-to-digest content. Remember, this is only a snippet, which can be further discussed over the course of the 3 day conference. The content of your lightning talk should be about scientific computing in natural sciences, health and medicine, engineering and technology, agricultural sciences, social sciences and humanities.

Submit your max. 500 words abstract, including:

  • Presentation title
  • Presenter’s name and affiliation
  • Authors names and affiliations (if different from the presenter)

The call for abstracts is closed.