REPROLANG-The Shared Task on the Reproduction of
Research Results in Science and Technology of Language,
was organized by ELRA with the technical support of CLARIN.
This initiative was aimed at eliciting and motivating the
spread of scientific work on reproductibility in the area
of Natural Language Processing. It built on the previous
pioneer LREC workshops on reproducibility 4REAL2016 and 4REAL2018,
and followed also the initiative of the Language Resources
and Evaluation journal. In this presentation we describe how the computational resources of the EGI Infrastructure were used to support this
Scientific methodology
This shared task is a new type of challenge: it is partly similar
to the usual competitive shared tasks—in the sense that
all participants share a common goal; but it is partly different
—in the sense that its primary
focus is on seeking support and confirmation of previous
results, rather than on overcoming those previous results
with superior ones. Thus instead of a competitive shared
task, this is a cooperative shared task, with participants struggling for
systems to reproduce as close as possible the results to an
original complex research experiment and thus eventually
reinforcing the level of reliability on its results by means of
their eventually convergent outcomes.
3. Technical approach
Each submission provided a link to the input dataset and
to a gitlab repository containing a docker image associated
with a tag. The association of the tag to the image
was ensured by building the docker image via the gitlab CI
pipeline on each tag. The structure of the gitlab repository,
the entrypoint script and parameters and the mount points
for the input and output datasets where all predefined.
With all container images available and a well-defined process
in place to run the submissions, we provisioned four
virtual private servers on EGI infrastructure. Some of the
submissions ran without issues, some had obvious errors,
but others had subtle, unexpected issues, such as a dependency
on specific CPU instructions which one of the VPS
instances did not have. Another experiment failed due to
a lack of GPU memory. Our instances had 8GB of GPU
memory, after provisioning a new instance with 12GB on
commercial infrastructure we were able to successfully run
the submission.
To check for possible hard-coded results, we proceeded to
rerun the experiments that successfully finished before the
review deadline with ablated input data.
Through the efforts made in the context of REPROLANG2020,
we learnt that a meticulous replication
process requires substantial efforts from all sides involved.
In this paper we focused on the technical replication, highlighting
the importance of having access to flexible and adequate
computing resources. While in the end we were able
to successfully complete the exercise, we also hope that our
experience can contribute to further improvements of the
EGI infrastructure, like better pre-configured GPGPU instances
with more dedicated GPU RAM, and the inclusion
of more information about the CPU models and supported
instruction sets in the provisioning systems.