2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Avoiding Operational nightmares by adhering to basic security guidelines

3 Nov 2020, 10:40
Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom4

Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom4

Full presentation: short (15 mins.) How to make your service more secure?


Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF)


Every system administrator is affected by a security incident sooner or later. The timing of such events is invariably right on the spot: Your service is hit exactly at the moment when it is needed most urgently for your project.
In this short presentation we will show examples of when this happened within our environment, give some guidelines on how to reduce the likelihood as well as the impact of security incidents, and offer best practices of how to prevent mishaps in the first place. The talk is aimed at administrators of systems or services, but the core lessons to be taken away from it are applicable and valuable for regular users and their personal computers as well.

Presentation materials