The experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) played a leading role in scientific research. Data processing and analysis is carried out using high-performance complexes (Grid), academic, national and commercial resources of cloud computing, supercomputers and other resources. JINR is actively involved in the integration of distributed heterogeneous resources and the development of Big data technologies to provide modern large scale projects. JINR is actively working on the construction of a unique NICA accelerator complex, which requires new approaches to the implementation of distributed infrastructure for processing and analysis of experimental data.
The report provides an overview of major integrated infrastructures to support large scale projects and trends in their evolution. The report also presents the main results of the Laboratory of Information Technologies Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in the development of distributed computing.
A brief overview of the projects in the field of the development of distributed computations performed by LIT in Russia, CERN, the USA, Europe, China, JINR Member States of JINR.
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is an international intergovernmental organization, a world famous scientific centre that is a unique example of integration of fundamental theoretical and experimental research with development and application of the cutting edge technology and university education. The rating of JINR in the world scientific community is very high.
Dr. Vladimir V. Korenkov is the Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT) at JINR.