Opening plenary
- Tiziana Ferrari (
- Arjen van Rijn (NIKHEF)
- Sergio Andreozzi (
- Liina Munari (European Commission)
Officially kicking-off the three day virtual conference! We are grateful for the opportunity to still be able to meet albeit through Zoom. In the opening plenary, EGI Foundation director Tiziana Ferrari will give an update about current activities as well as some future plans - make sure you don’t miss it! Speaking about the future, Arjen van Rijn (EGI Federation Council chair) and Sergio Andreozzi (Head of Strategy Innovation and Communications, EGI Foundation) will tell us all about the strategy for the coming years.
To conclude the session, Grazyna Piesiewicz, Head of Unit C1: eInfrastructure and Science Cloud, will present the future role of e-Infrastructures in 2021-2027.