2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Experience from Around the World with Federated Clouds and Data: Lessons for a European Cloud Federation

2 Nov 2020, 11:15
Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom3

Room: http://go.egi.eu/zoom3


Experience from Around the World with Federated Clouds and Data: Lessons for a European Cloud Federation

  • Mark Dietrich (Senior Advisor, EGI.eu)


In 2021-2027, the European Commission will invest in a High Impact Project on European data spaces and federated cloud infrastructures. Research communities have built many successful federations of cloud infrastructure, services and data. What can we learn from them? Research leaders will share their experience and highlight best practices and lessons learned. Panelists will discuss scope, structure and governance, as well as technical, architectural and service management topics.

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