Some things are best demonstrated, especially when it comes to technical services. Just before the coffee break, we offer a 30 minutes slot for submitted demos to show these services, outputs, or any other activity that is relevant to the conference's theme.
This demo will go through ADA (Advanced dCache API), a tool for interacting with dCache which is a powerful data storage platform tailored to data intensive applications, offered by SURF. dCache is optimised for processing huge datasets from many terabytes to petabytes, examples of datasets this large often include instrument data from sensors, DNA sequencers, telescopes, and satellites....
HUBzero© has been developed to support the whole research lifecycle for creating data, sharing data, running simulations and workflows and publication of the research results with DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers). The framework belongs to the family of virtual research environments and/or science gateways and instances are so-called hubs under HUBzero©. The HUBzero© team is conducting...