2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Compute services in EGI - Overview and use cases

3 Nov 2020, 09:45


Compute services in EGI - Overview and use cases

  • Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu)


This session provides an overview of the baseline computing services of EGI that deliver a distributed computing infrastructure to perform any kind of data analytics for research and innovation.

The EGI service portfolio provides you various computing solutions to match your needs: Virtual Machine based computing for long-running services and for data analytics platforms; container orchestration powered by Kubernetes and Docker; facilities for massively parallel workloads. During this session we will introduce these various services, will compare them to advise You on the most suitable choice for certain problems, and will feature a few research communities to report on their experience in using these services in real-life research workflows.

The session is of introductory level aiming to serve new communities who want to engage with and use EGI compute services.

Main target audience
Scientists, representatives of scientific communities

Presentation materials

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03/11/2020, 10:45
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