Cloud computing - Part 1
- Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET)
This session will include Cloud Computing related presentations that were submitted to the conference and selected by the programme committee.
In this talk we will present Spider, a managed service by SURF. Spider is a versatile high-throughput data-processing platform aimed at processing large structured data sets. It runs on top of our in-house elastic Cloud. In combination with superb network and hierarchical storage this allows for processing on Spider to scale from many terabytes to petabytes.
In recent years Cloud technology...
INFN-Cloud is a distributed, federated infrastructure built on top of heterogeneous and geographically distant cloud sites, offering compute and storage resources that are locally managed by frameworks like OpenStack, Apache Mesos and Kubernetes. The resources, spread across different administrative boundaries, are federated at the PaaS level through the AAI system, based on INDIGO-IAM, and...
Most organizations require to retain control over data and workloads placement by diversifying their choice of cloud vendors. Combining public cloud, private cloud and on-premise infrastructure can provide highly sophisticated and customized environments with an ideal mix of performance, cost and functionality. Multi-cloud adoption enables companies to ensure data sovereignty and meet the...
The upcoming observatory Square Kilometre Array (SKA) transports data products to SKA Regional Centers (SRC). Realizing a global SRC network is of utmost importance for radio astronomy and opens, beyond that, unique opportunities for developing generic infrastructure components that are of interest for other communities as well.
The resolution power of sensors is increasing steadily...
PolicyCloud project will improve policy making for public administrations across Europe by harnessing the potential of digitisation, big data and cloud technologies to support transparent, democratic, and evidence-based decision making around the creation and implementation of social and economic policy.