2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


How to measure the impact of user engagement?

4 Nov 2020, 11:15


How to measure the impact of user engagement?

  • Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI.eu)
  • Gergely Sipos (EGI.eu)


The EGI e-infrastructure comprises hundreds of publicly funded service providers spread across Europe and worldwide. Monitoring the use of these resources, and reporting about this use as well as about its impact to various funding agencies is an increasingly important aspect of service operation. In this session we will share experiences of impact monitoring and assessment from various communities and will discuss ways in which we could, as a community, improve the way we monitor the impact of EGI on science and innovation. Topics will include:
Ways of measuring service usage (through logins; from service logs; via accounting systems; etc.)
Tracking scientific impact (through repositories; through acknowledgments; through SLAs, etc.)

Main target audience
Service providers, research support staff, policy makers.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
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