2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Service design WS (part 1): How can EGI bring your service to the world?

4 Nov 2020, 13:15
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Service design WS (part 1): How can EGI bring your service to the world?

  • Diego Scardaci (EGI.eu)
  • Matti Heikkurinen (EGI.eu)


The goal of this session is to present how EGI can help service providers to reach new markets/users and, in the same time, innovate its service offer. The session provides details on the EGI approach to marketing and matchmaking, and provides an overview of the process that leads to the publishing of services in the EGI portfolio. The session will include an introduction to IT Service management (ITSM) as the underlying approach to service portfolio management.

Specific attention will be given to those aspects of ITSM that ensure high quality, proper resourcing and availability of online services, predictable manner, maintaining and growing the user confidence in the EGI branded services in general. The Service Management System and especially the requirements of the Service Portfolio Management (SPM) process will be discussed in some depth.

A proposal to create a new EGI catalogue for external/communities services will be presented for discussion. The idea is to develop an alternative way for service providers to join the EGI service offer preserving their branding and without the need of comply with very strict requirements but, in the same time, guaranteeing a quality similar to those of the EGI branded services. This community catalogue would be open to all the services that can provide added value/additional capabilities on top of the current federation offer.

Finally, a concrete example of what the key part of the onboarding process looks like from the service provider perspective is presented by reviewing the “Service Design and Transition Package” (SDTP) of one of the existing EGI services.

Presentation materials

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Diego Scardaci (EGI.eu)
04/11/2020, 13:15
Diego Scardaci (EGI.eu)
04/11/2020, 14:00
04/11/2020, 14:15
Building timetable...