2–5 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Service Design WS (part 2): New services - proposals for EGI

4 Nov 2020, 15:30


Service Design WS (part 2): New services - proposals for EGI

  • Diego Scardaci (EGI.eu)
  • Matti Heikkurinen (EGI.eu)


This session will present a set of interesting service candidates to innovate the EGI service offer. The goal of this session is to be an interactive session where the participants can use a brainstorming approach to identify new advantages and promotional aspects that the service providers could include in their service descriptions.
The individual service presentations cover both the “business case” for the service (problem solved, target audience, unique aspects of the service) and the key information to be included in the “Service Design and Transition Package” (SDTP) of the service.
The session can be seen as a practice-oriented follow-up of the previous session on the topic. However, it is possible to participate in the session without having participated in the previous one.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Diego Scardaci (EGI.eu)
04/11/2020, 15:30
Cristovao Cordeiro (SixSq)
04/11/2020, 15:35
Sebastian Risco Gallardo (UPV)
04/11/2020, 15:45
Christian Baars (DANS)
04/11/2020, 15:55
Andreas Rauber (TUWIEN), Martin Weise (TUWIEN)
04/11/2020, 16:05
Konstantinos Theodosiou (UBITECH)
04/11/2020, 16:15
Pasquale Pagano (CNR)
04/11/2020, 16:25
04/11/2020, 16:35
Building timetable...