Some things are best demonstrated, especially when it comes to technical services. Just before the coffee break, we offer a 30 minutes slot for submitted demos to show these services, outputs, or any other activity that is relevant to the conference's theme.
The EKaaS (Elastic Kubernetes as a Service) is an on-demand service to deploy Elastic Kubernetes clusters on the EGI Cloud Compute. EKaaS has been partially funded in the Second EGI Strategic and Innovation call and aimed at the development of a convenient service for the provisioning customization of self-managed Kubernetes clusters.
The service is fully operational at...
As infrastructures and cloud services evolve, resource consumption is more flexible and users are often allowed to reserve resources without actual consumption. Relevant standardization bodies have developed new types of accounting record specifications, and new or updated tools are required to keep track of resource usage. The reaction to this is the development of a new accounting tool –...