- Discussion on main areas of contribution as the task moves into operational activities
- Ensure EUDAT services are captured in EOSC DIH material and in pilot campaigns
- Liasion with DICE project to alleviate Debora who has been quite collaborative for potential EUDAT services requested by business pilots
- Actively seek and identify industry contacts as potential business pilots
- Leverage Tommi's participation in WP6 to support onboarding
General Updates
- WP8 presentation request (2 Nov); Draft slides attached
- EOSC Documents
- EOSC MVE functions
- Deliverable due (D2.5) which is meant to cover the content of EOSC Core, mapping it to the activities in the project, key documents and governance structures.
- This spreadsheet attempts to capture the list; EOSC DIH was added (hoping it will stay), but we need to at least fill out the content within the row
- We should probably be ready for providing what the MVP would be for the DIH, in order to articulate what would need to be funded and how much.
- Other WP Collaborations
- T1.5
- Meeting scheduled for 15:00; lack of meetings led to varying individuals not being updated on the developments over the summer and post-summer with the EC. Confusion between re-defining and separation between business pilots and purchasing of services.
- Aim is for clarification to be achieved and everyone on the same page in order to move forward with the expression of interest campaign.
- WP5/WP6
- Schedule meeting with Owen
- WP7
- SMS inclusion of DIH procedures
- Call still not yet set up with Matthew V. and Debora T. to discuss how to manage "call for providers" to support business cases; Confirmed involvement of Marcin; Doodle to be sent starting from the week of the 25th
- T8.1
- Main activities is the drafting of a joint survey. Draft available (see link in agenda), publication timeline is next Monday. Will be open for two weeks.
- WP10
- Preference by project coordinator to have the EoI main page on the EOSC Future website and not the EOSC DIH site, but our site can have a page that points to the Future site.
- Gwen for other updates: ....
Operational Activities
- Business Pilots
- 1st Campaign
- See T1.5 and WP10 points above
- Deadline suggested Friday 3 Dec
- Informative webinar: 19 Nov (TBD)
- Joint google slides to be started
- Maybe think of 1 pilot to join to say the value they got
- Pilot status review
- DigiFarm: EGI-ACE service requests seem to be delayed by hardware installation at the site, chasing happening on almost a daily basis
- OpenAIRE: prepared letter for contacting directly their SME network
- Umnai: New pilot request from a previous EGI contact; ML/AI start up needing a cloud environment to do some testing.
- Trango: Meeting held 26 Oct. Had some authentication issues. Once fixed, the testing will start. Follow up meeting fixed for 2nd half of Nov.
- MiCADO: Elisa to follow up.
- Others ideas from partners?
- Collaborations
- Status review of the current list
- Partners to suggest strategic ones where they have direct contacts
- Nexus to be found
- Events
- EGI Conference'21: Presentation delivered
- DIHnet Final Event (26 Nov): Attended; any highlights to note?
- Warsaw event: To discuss if we want to have a booth or other dissemination material
- Scouting responsibilities
- Evidence Based Policymaking in Europe Summit 2021 (Dec)
- Other Partner suggestions
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Added a page in confluence to host the "operational aspects"
- Need to update it and start periodic report
- Bea still has not accessed confluence
- Nikos to take action to follow up with Bea
- Dissemination and Material
- Social media post calendar (Gwen)
- EOSC Portal Industry Use Cases
- Need to update material
- Website
- Accounts to be created
- Partners and pilots in map
- EOSC Future references
- Partnership updates with INFRAEOSC-07 projects needed
- Others in progress to be reported by Elisa/Mateusz
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