30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

A complete workflow for finding, sharing and analysing sensitive data: the SSH use case

1 Oct 2024, 17:05
San Martino (Hilton Garden Inn)

San Martino

Hilton Garden Inn

Demonstrations & Tutorials Managing & Processing Sensitive Data


Lucas Van der Meer (Erasmus University Rotterdam)


A large portion of datasets in the Social Science and Humanities (SSH) community is sensitive, for instance for privacy or copyright reasons. The Dutch national infrastructures for the social sciences and humanities, ODISSEI and CLARIAH, collaborate with the Dutch NREN SURF in the development of an integrated workflow to find, request and analyse sensitive data.

In the ODISSEI Portal, researchers can find datasets from a wide variety of data providers, through rich metadata. A service called the Data Access Broker enables researchers to submit a data access request that is processed semi-automatically based on the user’s credentials and the data provider’s access procedure. After approval, the sensitive data set is transferred directly to SANE: an off-the-shelve, data provider-agnostic Trusted Research Environment (TRE). It is a secure analysis environment that leaves the data provider in full control of the sensitive information.

In an interactive session, ODISSEI and SURF will illustrate how they facilitate a complete workflow: from finding, to requesting, and finally analysing sensitive SSH data.

Topic Data innovations: Data Analytics, Sensitive Data/FAIR Data

Primary author


Lucas Van der Meer (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Presentation materials

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