30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Digital Requirements for METROFOOD-RI

2 Oct 2024, 17:00
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy

Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy


Claudia Zoani (ENEA - Italian National Agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development)Dr Karl Presser (Premotec)


METROFOOD-RI is a distributed research infrastructure for promoting metrology in food and nutrition, which will provide high level metrology services for enhancing food quality and safety. METROFOOD entered the ESFRI roadmap in 2018 and is currently in its implementation phase. The physical part of METROFOOD-RI consists of facilities such as laboratories, experimental fields/farms for crop production and animal breeding, small-scale plants for food processing and storage, kitchen-labs for food preparation, and “demo” sites for direct stakeholder engagement, while the digital part consists of resources such as databases, apps, Wikis, and e-learning platforms. In the preparatory phase, METROFOOD-RI analysed its own digital requirements and compared them with the ones of other infrastructures, associations, and SMEs, and some similarities were identified. The minimum viable digital requirements for METROFOOD-RI were then defined for the central hub, the national nodes and the partner institutes. The requirements were separated into internal requirements that are needed for the back-office to run the legal entity and in public requirements, considering access to be provided to users, researchers, policy makers, industry, and the public. Two of these core requirements are the service and resource catalogues and the central authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI). Many of the required resources will have connections between each other, representing workflows and processes within METROFOOD-RI, and many of these resources will also provide open APIs for automated data exchange. In this presentation, an overview of these digital requirements will be given and some of the requirements will be presented in detail.

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