30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Lecce, Italy
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


2 Oct 2024, 17:35
Carlo V (Hilton Garden Inn)

Carlo V

Hilton Garden Inn


EuroScienceGateway leverages a distributed computing network across 13 European countries, accessible via 6 national, user-friendly web portals, facilitating access to compute and storage infrastructures across Europe as well as to data, tools, workflows and services that can be customized to suit researchers’ needs.

In this talk present the work carried out in the project during the last year, including integration of the EuroScienceGateway with new Identity Providers, Bring your Own Compute (with Pulsar and ARC), Bring your Own Storage (with S3 and Onedata) and improvements in the metascheduling of jobs across the distributed computing infrastructure.

Presentation materials