2–6 Jun 2025
Palacio de la Magdalena, Santander, Spain
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Code of Conduct

Thank you for choosing to attend EGI2025. EGI is committed to providing all its event participants with a safe, inclusive, productive, and welcoming event. To provide a safe and productive environment, EGI requires all participants to abide by this Code of Conduct (CoC) at all times at the conference including during social events. 

Expected Conduct: 

We invite our entire community to contribute to a positive environment, both onsite and online, so that the experience is valuable to one and all. The following behaviours are expected and requested of all participants: 

  • Behave courteously and professionally;
  • Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences;
  • Treat all participants with respect, dignity, empathy and kindness regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion;
  • Refraining from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behaviour and speech;
  • Respecting the physical integrity of other participants; 
  • Refrain from engaging in unwelcome, unsolicited, and unreciprocated sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other physical conduct, comments, or gestures of a sexual nature that has or that might reasonably be expected to be perceived to offend, humiliate, or intimidate another person;
  • Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback;
  • Vendors and other commercial actors should not engage in unsolicited communication through our online event channels, including but not limited to our community boards and personal messages; 
  • Reporting suspected unacceptable behaviour directed at yourself or others; and
  • Accepting responsibility and apologising to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience.

If you experience or notice any form of harassment, or if someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, online or offline, please report it as soon as possible by sending an email to events@egi.eu or contacting a staff member at the registration desk. If an EGI staff member is the subject of your complaint, you can contact Isabel Campos at isabel@campos-it.es (CSIC) or Lígia Melo at ligiabredamelo@lip.pt  (LIP). Your report will be dealt with discreetly. 

Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use

This Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use (“AUP”) defines the rules and conditions that govern your access to and use of the resources and services made available for you at the EGI Conference, including wifi access and access to our online platforms. 

  • You shall only use the services provided in a manner consistent with the purposes and limitations described above; and you shall show consideration towards other users including by not causing harm to the services
  • You shall only use the services for lawful purposes and not breach, attempt to breach, nor circumvent administrative or security controls
  • You shall respect intellectual property and confidentiality agreements
  • You shall protect your access credentials (e.g. passwords, private keys or multi-factor tokens); no intentional sharing is permitted
  •  You shall keep your registered information correct and up to date
  • You shall promptly report known or suspected security breaches, credential compromise, or misuse to the security contact stated below; and report any compromised credentials to the relevant issuing authorities
  • Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the event privacy policy
  • Your use of the services may be restricted or suspended, for administrative, operational, or security reasons, without prior notice and without compensation.

The administrative contact for this AUP is: events@egi.eu
The security contact for this AUP is: ism@mailman.egi.eu


EGI retains the right to take any necessary corrective actions to keep the event a welcoming environment for all participants. Corrective actions may take any of the following forms: verbal warning, expulsion from the event (including online platforms) without compensation, and potential exclusion from future events. The decisions in this case will be final.